
Showing posts from March, 2015

Check Out Our Displays!

Over Spring Break I took the opportunity to freshen up the Reading Room by adding two  NEW  displays for the second half of the spring semester. In the larger flat display case are artifacts and photographs celebrating the 90 th  anniversary of the  Interlude,  USF’s first student publication. It began in 1925 when the school was Assisi Junior College and continued as the school newspaper until 1969. Article topics included: social activities, curriculum and staff changes, musical events, graduations, and wedding announcements. Each issue also advertised local Joliet businesses. After the merger-demerger of CSF and Lewis College (1970-1973), a new publication was created and we know it as the  Encounter ,   today.  The display includes a photograph of students working on the  Interlude  in 1956, as well as, a red cap from the Theta Chi Sigma sorority (ca. 1953). The sorority was a prominent group on campus and featured frequently during the 1930s-1950s. The di