Donations from Alumni and Friends

The USF Library Archives is very appreciative of all the donations that have been received for the collections over the years. In recent history the largest one has been The Barbara A. Cooke Musical Theatre Special Collection , a donation from Ms. Cooke that consists of sheet music, books and other materials related to musical theater. In addition to this generous donation, the Archives has received smaller gifts of materials that both enhance the Archives' materials and increase our knowledge of the history of USF. A recent donation from Mr. James Sczepaniak included materials that his late wife, Mrs. Mary Clare (Gordon) Sczepaniak ('57), collected while she was a student and an alum. Some of the items pictured below will be used in this year's Founder's Day displays in the Moser Performing Arts Center gallery space. If you or someone you know has materials related to the University of St. Francis or its history please feel free to contact the USF Library Archives. ...