A Wonderful Donation

This week the Brown Library Archives received an exciting new addition from one of our alums. Beverly (Bajt) Kopman, a 1966 graduate from St. Joseph College of Nursing (SJCN), donated her St. Joseph Hospital nurse cape and cap. Both pieces are in excellent condition and are welcomed additions to the St. Joseph College of Nursing collection. Cape donated by alumna Beverly Kopman The cape is wool with a dark navy and red color scheme. Along the collar is “STJH” in gold stitched letters, which stands for St. Joseph Hospital. Inside the left-hand flap are Mrs. Kopman’s initials “B.A.B” in white and black stitching. The white cap was awarded during a “capping ceremony,” which occurred before students began their hospital training. Nurse's cap donated by alumna Beverly Kopman Detail shots of gold lettering on cape's collar and inside flap The cape was used by nursing students beginning in the 1920s, when the SJCN was first establi...