This Week in History

America: A Catholic Review of the Week Vol. 13 No. 13 (1915) Now and again it’s fun to look back on history and wonder what the hot topics of the day were. For the first installment of This Week in History we’ll be focusing on the week of July 10 th , 1915; specifically, what was mentioned in volume 13, number 13 of America: A Catholic Review of the Week . As a weekly Catholic journal of opinion, topics included: social justice, liturgy, music, world news, editorial reviews, education, sociology, and much more. The USF Archives holds the first forty-five volumes of this journal, which has been continuously published since 1909. As you might imagine, the issue focused on the circumstances and events of World War I. In news bulletin style, the issue highlights the movements of German troops in France as they make their way to Verdun. It reads: “The Crown Prince according to reports is in command, and large bodies of troops are said to be gathering for an new assau...